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Templafy user groups

What is a Templafy user group?

A user group within Templafy is created and managed by Templafy admins. User groups are used to enable features for certain users only. The user groups tab becomes visible and manageable only after a certain feature, such as Offline, Check, Productivity Plus or a standalone Email Signature Outlook Add-in is enabled.

Please note:

  • A Templafy user group is default to everyone if no filters are applied.
  • Filters can be applied based on client AD user groups or user claims.


How to create a User group

1. Navigate to the User groups section of the admin interface.




2. Click on 'Create new', fill and complete the fields, and click 'Save'.

Name: This name will appear whenever the user group can be applied in the admin interface.

Description: Description is shown below that name.

Feature access: enable feature for this user group (currently only Offline is available).

Filters: setup which users should be included in the group.




3. Add claims and user groups via drop down.
Note:Active Directory Group can be understood as Office 365 Group, Security Group and Mail-enabled Security Group. Templafy only shows the first 1000 Groups it gets from Graph. In the event of not being able to search and select the respective group from the dropdown, you can just manually enter the ObjectId.  




4. The new User Group has been created, and is now visible. 




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